Christian Generosity
This fall the Christian Generosity team put together two focus Sundays with the hope of reminding people of pre-authorized giving. Pre-authorized donations allow us to make better budget predictions. …
Holly Jolly Christmas Market at St. Mark’s!
St. Mark’s Anglican Church’s annual Christmas Market on Saturday, November 16 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
“Waypoint: Kids” returns this Sunday!
Waypoint Kids returns on Sunday, September 8, during the 10:30 service. The program will follow lectionary-based lessons, allowing children to learn the same themes as their parents in church. The focus is on teaching about Jesus’ love and how to share it through daily actions and interactions.
Renewal and Restoration
In today’s sermon on John 2:13-22, Canon Rob explores how Jesus disrupts the corrupted religious structures within the temple, symbolizing the need for personal and societal transformation.
A Year of Re-Building
St. Mark’s Church Warden’s report on the year 2023 in their report to Vestry report for 2023 on a re-building year after the Pandemic for St. Mark’s and all the activities we organize and support.
The Chancel Guild
Elizabeth Rainville-Stone, in a passionate invitation, encourages readers to join the Chancel Guild to prepare for the Eucharist at St. Mark’s, celebrating the profound meaning of Jesus’s sacrifice and honoring their service to the legacy of faith.
Parish Anniversary Open House
This year is St. Mark’s 70th Anniversary and we are celebrating “70 Years of Generosity” on September 17th with an Open House from 12pm-3pm.
“Good Grief” Group Supports Each Other
We are not a counselling team but rather a group of individuals who come together to discuss challenges we may be facing in day-to-day situations and to provide some support to each other in whatever way we can.
Celebrating 70 Years of Supporting Ministry in our Community
St. Mark’s is blessed with a generous community. St. Mark’s Christian Generosity Committee is marking some of the many ways we give of ourselves and share with each other God’s blessings.
Wardens and Treasurer’s Summer Update
Here is a summer update from our parish Wardens and from our parish Treasurer.
Singing The Lord’s Song In A Strange Land
St. Mark’s was duly represented at this is this years Synod by our parish Lay Delegates. Here is their report on it’s proceedings.
Flower Ministry Renewed
Our Flower Ministry volunteers have begun to help provide flowers for the altar every Sunday once again.
Our Greeters Ministry Helps Build Community
Our Greeter Ministry plays an important role in welcoming each other when we gather for Sunday Worship.
Waypoint Kids: Summer Update
Waypoint: Kids has had a great year. Here is an update on its good work, and our summer and fall plans.
Old Spire Cross to be featured at Easter Celebrations
A wonderful blessing for our Holy Week and Easter celebrations will be the adornment of our sanctuary with the wooden cross from the original St Mark’s building spire (1953-1965).
Easter & Holy Week Services 2023
As we all prepare to celebrate the Good News of Christ’s Resurrection, St. Mark’s is joyfully preparing our celebrations of worship.
Celebrating 70 Years Of Generosity
This year marks St Mark’s 70th anniversary. 70 years of being a community of believers dedicated to God’s service in our community. The Christian Generosity committee has historically reminded us about how we give through our time, talent and treasure.
Update: Newcomers Arrive with Thankfulness
In 2021, St. Mark’s applied to sponsor a refugee family originally from Syria. The family arrived on February 9, 2023.
Graditude, the Gospel, and Judaism and Other Good Discussions at the Women’s Book Study
The Women’s Study Group leader, Jo McNeil relates the learning and dialogue that strengthened their learning and faith in 2022.
Dinners and Trivia Nights put the Fun back into Community
Christine Fournier recaps last years Fundraising Committee’s efforts to host fun activities for our community as we came out of the pandemic restrictions.
A Place Where We Can Gather In God’s Name
Neil Dunning reflects on the gift that our building and property are to St. Mark’s.
St. Mark’s Does Good Work In The Community
These are some samples of the good work that the people of St. Mark’s are doing in our community as they live out their baptismal ministry in their lives.
St. Mark’s Warden’s reflect on 2022
Read St. Mark’s wardens reflection on our ministry in 2022 as we prepare for this Sunday’s Vestry meeting.
Waypoint Kids On Its Way
Here is an update to the good work our children’s ministry is doing on Sunday mornings with our new Waypoint: Kid’s program.
Companion Diocese Relationship News
In 2014 the Diocese of Huron signed a Companion covenant with the Diocese of Amazonia, a new mission diocese in Brazil, around the city of Belem. St. Mark’s has been an active part of this relationship. Here is an update on this relationship from our parishioner Nigel Challen, who continues to keep regular communication with our partners there.
Jesus Is The One
“Our Advent readings invite us to confirm our choice to follow Christ and to choose not to restrict ourselves or to be stuck selecting between to the lesser of two evils that our worldly powers consistently offer us.” For this Third Sunday of Advent, The Rev’d Rob Park offers prayers and a message reflecting our reading from Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 11:2-11.
2022 Christmas Services
Our celebration of Christmas at St. Mark’s begins on Sunday December 18th at 10:30am service with our Lessons And Carols Service. Christmas Eve services will be held on evening of the 24th, at 4pm, 7pm, and 10:30pm. Our Christmas Day Service will be at 10am.
Christmas Senior’s Service & Luncheon
This years Christmas Senior’s Service Luncheon is taking place on Wednesday, December 14th.
Promised Hope is Near
“The Good News of Jesus Christ is a message of hope to us in the midst of our broken world.” For this Second Sunday of Advent, The Rev’d Rob Park offers prayers and a message reflecting our reading from Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 3:1-12.