Christmas Senior’s Service & Luncheon
Christmas Senior’s Service & Luncheon

Christmas Senior’s Service & Luncheon

This years Christmas Senior’s Service and Luncheon is taking place on Wednesday, December 14th.  Our service, with Holy Communion, starts at 11:00 a.m. in the church and will be followed by lunch at 12:00 p.m. Our music director, Ryan, will join us to play Christmas carols and we also have a visitor coming – who wears a red suit and has a white beard.

Please let the office know or sign the sheet on the information table at the church. We need to know approximate numbers to ensure we have enough pizza and your favourite topping.

If you would like to come but do not have transportation please the office know.

There is no fee for the lunch, however we are asking that you bring a pair of socks to be donated to those who are not as fortunate as us.