Waypoint Kids has had a successful year building relationships with our kids, re introducing them to Jesus and our faith and then answering their faith questions. Using Sparkhouse Digital programming, our themes and activities mirrored the lectionary message of the day so kids and families were hearing the same message.
We have about 8-10 Sunday morning attendance and on a few weeks we have been up to as high as 17 kids from the ages of 3 – 13.
Summer Sundays
Our last Waypoint kids session for the summer is June 18 and for the summer Sundays there will be packets available for the kids to have activities (based upon the lectionary theme of the day) while they attend service with their parents. All the packets have activities for the range of ages of the kids. There is also a basket of clipboards, pencil crayons, and crayons. Please take the activity packages home with you but leave the pencils and clipboards in the basket for use on future Sundays
Planning for Fall

We are planning on starting our next year of Waypoint kids with the 2nd annual Backpack Blessing Event in late August. We will be asking the congregation to help us by donating backpacks / lunch bags / school supplies or monetary donations so we can ensure we have supplies for all the children who need it. Last year we supported over 50 kids and prepared them for return to school (read about it here). The night of games and a bbq dinner gave them a positive send off for back to school last year. You can bring your donations to church any Sunday, to the July and August Food drive or if making a monetary donation, please mark it on your envelope so it can be designated properly.
Waypoint Kids weekly program will begin again on Sunday morning, Sept 10 and we look forward to having our current kids back and building on the group next year.