Waypoint Kids On Its Way
Waypoint Kids On Its Way

Waypoint Kids On Its Way

2022 has seen many challenges and many suggestions on how to safely bring congregations and especially children back together. The one thing we knew, is that we were all missing our community of St. Mark’s and that children were missing learning about God in our friendly community.

It was decided that a group of volunteers would come together and present Sunday morning teachings in a different environment. Father Rob introduced us to a program that is a hands-on learning process and we launched our new program called ‘Waypoint Kids’ in September 2022.

Waypoint: Kids Logo

It is a program for school age children and at this time, is a one classroom setting for children 3 and up. It happens during the 10:30 service.

The planning committee realized that with the challenges of managing a chaotic schedule at home for parents and grandparents, there may have been limited time for teachings of the Lord. In August, the committee sent out postcards to every child registered at St. Mark’s through various programs, simply telling the children that we missed them. After 2 ½ years, we were fully aware of how priorities had changed for families but it was a gentle reminder that St. Mark’s had survived through the pandemic and that we were missing our children. Later that same month, we sent out emails and made telephone calls letting the parents know of our new program *WayPoint Kids*!

Using the Sparkhouse Digital Whirl programming as our base, we are teaching the children lessons about Jesus and God through hands on activities and answering their many questions. The children needed very basic teaching as they were either unfamiliar or needed reminders about Jesus and his good ways. It’s been interesting and challenging as the children navigate their way through understanding how they can be like Jesus. In fact our next few experiences will teach them WWJD – what would Jesus do?

We have 14 children currently registered and average 7-10 each Sunday.

Our hopes for expansion of the Waypoint Kids for 2023 includes a component for the teens of our congregation and integrating our kids into the 10:30 service a few times a year.

Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Corke, Sharon Bliss, Sue McIntyre