St. Mark’s Annual vestry meeting takes place this Sunday, Feb. 12th in Munro Hall after the 10:30am service. A copy of the Vestry Report is available here as a PDF.
Warden’s Report for Vestry February 2023
Submitted by Neil Dunning, Christine Hazell, Sharon Bliss and Cindy Taylor

The leadership team for 2022 stayed the same as it was for 2021, with all of us remaining as wardens and deputy wardens to provide continuity for our new parish priest, Rev. Rob Park. The new year began with our doors being closed once again due to Covid-19. This was unfortunate as Rev. Rob was unable to meet the congregation and did services online for the first two months of the year. Rob’s induction was conducted with only the bare minimum required for the service. This was disappointing as we had hoped to welcome Rob with St. Mark’s hospitality. Services remained online until the end of February when we gradually opened up, returning to two Sunday services and the midweek Wednesday eucharist.
Wage support from the federal government was no longer in place this past year. The government wage subsidy we received in 2021 had resulted in a surplus of funds which was invested and then withdrawn this year to help offset the increasing deficit. Our costs have
remained fairly constant this year except for once again having a full-time minister. However, our envelope receipts are down and with a closer look we have realized that approximately $45,000 of that loss is due to parishioners who have moved or passed away. This leaves us looking to a future in which that income needs to be replaced for our ministry positions to remain as they are. This will pose a significant challenge that we will need God’s grace and guidance to meet.
Rev. Rob Park joined St. Mark’s on January 1st , 2022. He came to us from St. George’s Georgetown. We were thrilled to welcome him and the variety of skills and talents he brings. Early in the year, Alison Clarke left St. Mark’s to pursue a music directorship elsewhere. We were lucky to have Roger Bayley fill in for several weeks. Ryan Van Dijk eventually took a temporary contract with us, and he has brought his strong musical talents to Sunday services. At the Wednesday morning service, we are blessed to have Elizabeth Stone play the piano for us. Jody Ogilvie continues to lead the Youth Group with reduced paid hours compared to pre-pandemic. Other staff positions remain unaltered.
As always, the wardens are extremely grateful for the many hours that volunteers give and the continued support of St. Mark’s parishioners. We are the church family and being able to once again plan events, get together and share our joys and sorrows is so important to who we are. After many years as wardens, both Christine and Neil are stepping down from their positions. We have known such wonderful support and thank everyone who made our jobs easier, including a terrific parish council.