
Our Dwelling Place

“As much as our reading is a promise of a place in the next life, it is also an important invitation to belonging in a earthly family and community of faith.” The Rev’d Canon Rob Park offers prayers and a message based on the Gospel reading, John 14:1-14, and offers some short reflection questions.

The Hope We Need

“The earthly powers, and even the heavens and earth themselves, are all no match for God’s Will to proclaim a new beginning for creation in Christ.” The Rev’d Canon Rob Park offers prayers and a short reflection based on the Easter story (Matthew 28:1-10).

Passion Of Christ

“Our yearly reading of the story of Jesus crucifixion and death are an important reminder of the strength and destructive capacity of human brokenness..” For Palm/Passion Sunday, The Rev’d Canon Rob Park reads the story of Jesus Crucifixion (Matthew 27:11-54), offers a short reflection, and prayers.

Salt And Light

“Both images are transformative in their power to reveal what is hidden and to open Christ’s path to true joy that is found in the Gospel’s truth.” The Rev’d Rob Park offers prayers and a message reflecting our reading for this Sunday from Matthew’s Gospel chapter 5:13-20.

“Come And See”

“For us as Christian’s, Jesus holds the combination that promises to unlock the path to that place of deepest and truest satisfaction in our lives.” The Rev’d Rob Park offers prayers and a message reflecting our reading for this Sunday from John’s Gospel chapter 1:29-42.

Peace On Earth

“War, and the horrific things that human beings do to each other in war are the terrible fulfilment of that human brokenness that sets us against each other are the exact opposite of the peace God intends for us in Jesus Christ.” For Christmas, The Rev’d Rob Park offers prayers and a message reflecting our reading of Jesus’ birth from Luke’s Gospel, chapter 2:1-20.