St. Mark’s 70th Anniversary
“Today, we gather to celebrate 70 years of ministry, growth, resilience, and community service.“ Canon Rob Park offers prayers, and a short reflection on 70 years of Generosity at St. Mark’s, Brantford.
“Today, we gather to celebrate 70 years of ministry, growth, resilience, and community service.“ Canon Rob Park offers prayers, and a short reflection on 70 years of Generosity at St. Mark’s, Brantford.
“God’s power becomes evident in a community shaped by the Good News, much like the beautiful harmony of a two-part song.“ Canon Rob Park offers prayers, a short reflection, and reflections questions based on the Gospel reading, Matthew 18:15-20.
This year is St. Mark’s 70th Anniversary and we are celebrating “70 Years of Generosity” on September 17th with an Open House from 12pm-3pm.
Canon Rob Park offers prayers, and a short reflection based on the Gospel reading, Matthew 16:13-20. A critical question posed by Jesus in Matthew 16:26, asks what it profits someone to gain the world but lose their life and it encourages us to reflect on whether our life’s purpose is centred around earthly ambitions or heavenly aspirations.
“We do not define Jesus and the totality of Jesus, who is full human and fully divine, is not limited by our human limits. But God came to live among us to be in a fuller relationship with us.“ Canon Rob Park offers prayers, a short reflection, and reflection questions based on the Gospel reading, Matthew 16:13-20.
“As the Canaanite Woman approaches Jesus and the disciples with her plea to heal her daughter, the big question this encounter raises is “Does God love everybody?“ Canon Rob Park offers prayers, a short reflection, and reflection questions based on the Gospel reading, Matthew 15:21-28.
“Jesus invites us to step out of the security of the boat take even a few steps outside our spiritual comfort zone and act with even greater compassion and love in our relationships with God and with others.“ Canon Rob Park offers prayers, a short reflection, and reflection questions based on the Gospel reading, Matthew 14:22-33
“Everyday, we have a choice between Good and Evil. Everyday we have a choice to follow Jesus or not.“ Canon Rob Park offers prayers, a short reflection, and reflection questions based on the Gospel reading, Matthew 14:13-21
“This parable of the sower reminds us that the reward of a successful planting or harvest runs parallel to living a fruitful life in Christ.“ Canon Rob Park offers prayers, a short reflection, and reflection questions based on the Gospel reading, Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23.
“We have all seen enough or read enough history to know the repeating pattern of a younger generation crying for justice and fighting for a say in the burdens they are expected to bear.” Canon Rob Park offers prayers, a short reflection and reflection questions based on the Gospel reading, Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30.
“Jesus demonstrates the most simple ways that our motivation of compassion and care for the wellbeing others are to be part of living our Christian lives.” Canon Rob Park offers prayers, a short reflection, and reflection questions based on the Gospel reading, Matthew 10:40-42.
St. Mark’s is blessed with a generous community. St. Mark’s Christian Generosity Committee is marking some of the many ways we give of ourselves and share with each other God’s blessings.
Here is a summer update from our parish Wardens and from our parish Treasurer.
“The Gospel presses us to find alternative ways that offer compassionate and loving responses.” Canon Rob Park offers prayers, a short reflection, and offers reflection questions based on the Gospel reading, Matthew 10:24-39.
St. Mark’s was duly represented at this is this years Synod by our parish Lay Delegates. Here is their report on it’s proceedings.
“In our gospel, Jesus’ call to be a labourer is as one who works towards the goal of caring for others and pointing them towards a loving relationship with God.” Canon Rob Park offers prayers, a short reflection, and asks some reflective questions based on the Gospel reading, Matthew 9:53 – 10:23.
Our Flower Ministry volunteers have begun to help provide flowers for the altar every Sunday once again.
“In God’s eyes, we are not defined by earthly categories.” Canon Rob Park offers prayers, a short reflection and asks some reflective questions based on the Gospel reading, Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26.
“The Holy Spirit is part the force that has drawn us back into community together since the pandemic. Just as it has been the force that has been drawing Christians together through out our history.” The Rev’d Canon Rob Park offers prayers, a short reflection, and some reflection questions based on the Gospel reading, John 20:19-23.
“The Holy Spirit is part the force that has drawn us back into community together since the pandemic. Just as it has been the force that has been drawing Christians together through out our history.” The Rev’d Canon Rob Park offers prayers, a short reflection, and some reflection questions based on the Gospel reading, John 20:19-23.
St. Mark’s helped support a music ministry in the diocese of Amazonia (Belem).
“I believe that these two steps, repentance and forgiveness, remain a most important need for all of humanity.” The Rev’d Canon Rob Park offers prayers, a short reflection, and some reflection questions based on the Gospel reading, Luke24:44-53.
“When we dwell with God, God dwell’s with us.” The Rev’d Canon Rob Park offers prayers, a short reflection, and some reflection questions based on the Gospel reading, John 14:15-21.
“As much as our reading is a promise of a place in the next life, it is also an important invitation to belonging in a earthly family and community of faith.” The Rev’d Canon Rob Park offers prayers and a message based on the Gospel reading, John 14:1-14, and offers some short reflection questions.
“A good shepherd who acts as both the gate and gatekeeper who guards and cares for each and every sheep in his fold. ” The Rev’d Canon Rob Park offers prayers and a message based on the Gospel reading John 10-11.
“The earthly powers, and even the heavens and earth themselves, are all no match for God’s Will to proclaim a new beginning for creation in Christ.” The Rev’d Canon Rob Park offers prayers and a short reflection based on the Easter story (Matthew 28:1-10).
“Our yearly reading of the story of Jesus crucifixion and death are an important reminder of the strength and destructive capacity of human brokenness..” For Palm/Passion Sunday, The Rev’d Canon Rob Park reads the story of Jesus Crucifixion (Matthew 27:11-54), offers a short reflection, and prayers.
Canon Rob’s Easter letter invites us to draw from the living water of life that God has provided for all in Jesus Christ.
“In all the relationships portrayed in our reading today, in the face of life and death, Jesus grows his relationship with them and in turn grows their relationship of faith with God.” The Rev’d Canon Rob Park offers prayers and a message reflecting our reading from John’s Gospel chapter 11:1-45.
As we all prepare to celebrate the Good News of Christ’s Resurrection, St. Mark’s is joyfully preparing our celebrations of worship.