These are some samples of the good work that the people of St. Mark’s are doing in our community as they live out their baptismal ministry in their lives.
The Blessing Centre Support Ministry
Respectfully submitted by Christine Fournier

In 2022, St Mark’s committed to serving one meal a month at the Brantford Blessing Centre. The number of dinners served each month varied from a low of 120 to a high of 172. Meals were different each month and ranged from pulled pork to chicken drumsticks to sausages & pierogies. Meals always have vegetables and a homemade dessert. The BBC gets donations and purchases items so at times we utilized their stock and at other times we have purchased items for our dinners. The volunteer response for this ministry has been amazing and thanks to all those who have helped (even one time!) – your time and effort is much appreciated.
Daily Bread Wednesday Dinners
Respectfully submitted by Mary Ogilvie
For around 20 years, dinners have been prepared on Wednesdays by parishioners of the Anglican churches in Brantford and beyond at Grace Anglican Church in downtown Brantford to help those who need a hot meal. During that time, many St. Mark’s people have volunteered in this venture. During 2022, parishioners from Grace Anglican Church, Holy Trinity Anglican Church, St. George and St. Mark’s plus some other kind-hearted people have continued this service. Except for a break in August, 70 to 80 packaged meals were given out each week. Any meals not distributed were offered at the St. Jude’s Food Cupboard at Grace on the following Thursdays so no food is wasted. Those who receive these meals appreciate the location of Grace Church so close to the downtown and other vulnerable neighbourhoods. Lois Foster, Doug Guy, Bob Langfrey, Mary Ogilvie, Michelle Ogilvie-Kucik and Lil Paul have assisted in this meaningful ministry this past year. Nevetta Kucik has also volunteered, along with 2 other students.
Drive-thru Food Drive
Respectfully submitted by Christine Hazell

The drive through food drive was begun in early 2020 when the parish was closed to in person services. Since that time we have continued to host a food drive on the third Saturday of the month. We have occasionally added additional items to be collected, eg. the SPCA and the migrant workers ministry. Even though we are now open and people can drop items at the church at other times, the food drive continues to be worthwhile. We frequently have community members drop items and it has become a community outreach. We hope to continue throughout 2023.
Brantford Food Bank lbs of Food Collected = 3807lbs
Brantford Food Bank $ Collected = $1554
The Apostles
Respectfully submitted by Brian Ryder, Coordinator
The Apostles are a group of twelve drivers who each had a month where they were responsible for getting food to the food bank. This was coordinated with the monthly food drive. We now have an alternate driver who can fill in if needed. Thanks to all the drivers.