Help Care for our Building And Property
Help Care for our Building And Property

Help Care for our Building And Property

As you can imagine the building and the grounds of St. Mark’s requires a lot of care. Most of this care is not difficult, it just takes some attention and sometimes a little expertise. And we do, of course, hire contractors from time to time to do more specialized work. Overall, however, the goal is to do what we can in house to help us better manage our financial resources.

A standing building and grounds committee is being struck for St. Mark’s to guide the care of our excellent property. This committee will consist of people who are interested in aspects of the building and grounds and are able to meet twice per year. The purpose of the meetings will be to identify work that is needed in both the short term and long term. As needed the Wardens and Parish Council can then be notified so that action can be taken by the appropriate people.

Examples of the skills and interests needed range from accessibility, to lawns and gardens, to decor, to heating, roofing, plumbing, lighting, and more. If you are interested please the contact us at the office.

Neil Dunning, Property Committee