The Bread of Life in Our Daily Lives
The Bread of Life in Our Daily Lives

The Bread of Life in Our Daily Lives

When I started grade six, I needed a packed lunch to bring to school every day. My father, with great care, would prepare a peanut butter and jam sandwich for me each morning. He’d make it alongside his own lunch, which he carried to work in a brown paper bag along with his thermos of coffee. That simple sandwich was a daily reminder of his love and provision, something I could rely on as I went through my school day.

“Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.’” – John 6:35 (NRSV)

This memory of my father’s daily act of care brings to mind Jesus’ words in John 6, where he tells us that he is the “bread of life.” Just as my father made sure I had what I needed to sustain me through the school day, Jesus provides us with spiritual nourishment that we can carry with us every day. His teachings, his presence, and his love sustain us, no matter what challenges or opportunities we face.

“Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them.” – John 6:56 (NRSV)

But unlike the peanut butter and jam sandwich that would be eaten and gone by lunchtime, the spiritual sustenance Jesus offers is endless. In John 6:56, Jesus invites us to “abide” in him, to remain connected to him daily, just as we stay connected to our source of physical nourishment. This “abiding” means making the choice to carry our faith with us every day, allowing it to shape how we live, interact with others, and face the world’s challenges.

“…the one who eats this bread will live forever.” – John 6:58 (NRSV)

Choosing to follow Jesus is not just a Sunday decision—it’s a daily one. Like the packed lunch I carried to school, our faith in Jesus is something we need to carry with us everywhere we go. It’s the tool that helps us navigate our lives with love, compassion, and purpose. Each day, as we “pack” our lives with what we think we need, let’s remember to include the faith that sustains us, the love that fuels us, and the commitment to follow the one who offers us the “bread of life.”

So, as we move through our days, let’s make sure we’re carrying what really matters. Let’s pack our lives with faith in Jesus, the bread of life, and let that be the nourishment that sees us through each day. And as we gather each week here at church, let us also come to the table to receive the sacrament of the Eucharist. In this sacred meal, we are reminded that Jesus is the true bread that sustains us—spiritually and physically—drawing us closer to him and to one another as we journey together in faith.


The Rev’d Canon Rob Park