Supporting Our Common Ministry
Each of you must give as you’ve made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. – 2 Corinthians 9:7
What matters most to God and to us are people and not their money, however, maintaining our staff and our programmes both in the church and the wider community is only possible through your financial support. As the Christian generosity team has reminded us, “ministry costs money, good ministry costs even more.”
Your continued financial support of our common ministry can be made in the following ways:
Electronic Fund Transfer (ETF)
St. Mark’s is now set up to receive electronic funds transfers to make monetary donations even easier.
EFTs can be set up & sent to [email protected].
When you are sending through an EFT donation, please include your name and address in the “memo” or note area of the transfer & please include where you would like your donation allocated to such as the General Fund, Discretionary Fund, Building Fund, Altar Guild etc.
Preauthorized Donations (PAD)
This is the most consistent way to give and works the same as preauthorized debit for our own utility bills or property taxes. PAD is it administered by the Diocese of Huron at no cost to St. Mark’s and it’s easy to arrange. If you would like to subscribe to our PAD programme, you need to complete the application form and forward it along with a VOID cheque to the envelope secretaries. You can either mail it to the church, place it in the locked mailbox at the front of the church (please write ‘confidential’ on the envelope) or contact Dan and Anne Walker to arrange to have it picked up.
Using the PAD programme for your offering allows you to give intentionally, proportionally and faithfully to St. Mark’s, even when you are away. Providing our church with a dependable flow of contributions also helps with budgeting and reduces paper work.
The PAD application form can be found here.
Weekly or Monthly Envelopes
One traditional method for giving regularly to the good work of St. Mark’s is by giving weekly or monthly in envelopes placed on the collection plate at church on Sunday’s. Once requested envelopes and with an assigned number are given to you for regular donations.
If you wish to have envelopes for weekly or monthly use, please contact the envelope secretaries Dan and Anne Walker (519-756-3685).
Online – CanadaHelps
CanadaHelps is a secure registered charity that assists other Canadian charities by providing an online payment platform. Canada Helps facilitates one time or monthly donations. Similar to giving to other online charities, Canada Helps deducts a 3.75% fee for administration costs. Please note that tax receipts are issued immediately by CanadaHelps.
Click here to give through CanadaHelps.
Online – Direct deposit payments from Credit Unions
If you bank with Tandia Credit Union, we have been added to their list of “payees” for bill payments. To add us to your payees, search for St. Marks Anglican Church Brantford. You will be asked for an account number. This is your envelope number and it must be three digits. If your envelope number is less than 100, please add zeroes to the front of the number, eg. Envelope # 7 would be “007”; Envelope # 64 would be “064”. Once you have added us to your list of payees, you can donate directly at any time. Please be aware that all donations through this method will go only to the General fund as there is no way to direct funds to specific areas.
If you bank with any other Credit Union, please follow their steps to add a “payee” online. If you don’t find St. Marks on their payee list, please request that we be added. We are registered with the credit union central body but not all credit unions will automatically add us. Once we are on their list, please follow the instructions above regarding the account number.
If you bank with a major bank, unfortunately we cannot be added to their list without incurring significant charges, both for the initial set up and on a per transaction basis. Using the service with Tandia is completely free of charge for us.