St. Mark’s Church Warden’s Vestry report for 2023
As we re-opened after the Covid closures in 2022 and into 2023, this year became a re-building year for St. Mark’s and all the activities we organize and support.
Our Warden group changed after Vestry and quickly became a team as St. Mark’s is a fast-paced church with all types of activities to balance.
The approved deficit for 2023 budget was $33,300. Thanks to the increase in the giving for envelope receipts and offerings at Thanksgiving and Christmas, the deficit decreased significantly. Thank you to all the parishioners who were able to increase their donations. It is encouraging to enter 2024 in a better financial position than expected.

As programs re-start and new ones also begin; We want to acknowledge and thank all the people who have so selflessly donated their time and talents to St. Marks in 2023. We wouldn’t be able to offer as many programs without all your help. It is greatly appreciated.
The awarding of the grants that Debbie and her team applied for to offer programs to adults is a new endeavor that has flourished and continues into 2024 with new/exciting opportunities. St. Mark’s is becoming a place of learning/support and enjoyment for parishioners and the community alike.
Our staffing during 2023 remained the same people with some adjustments to hours and duties to ensure all areas were covered. The staff of St. Marks are a wonderful group of caring people and the Warden’s appreciate them each and every day! We also want to acknowledge Roger Bailey for his coverage when Ryan was unable to be at the services. The Ministerial coverage and support we received during Rev. Rob’s leave from Rev. Margaret Shortell, Canon Bob Schroeder, Ven. Osita Oluigba, Canon David Bowyer, and Rev Darcey Lazerte was wonderful, and the Wardens felt well-supported through that time.
Our Sunday services and Wednesday service are back in full swing, and attendance is re-building. There is nothing better than enjoying the service in person and touching base with our St. Mark’s family over coffee and cookies or better yet, soup and sandwich lunches. The weekly posting of the message service allows us to be a part even if we cannot be here physically and that feeling of inclusion is very comforting. Rev. Rob has helped us with his technical abilities in this outreach ministry.
Your Wardens: Sharon Bliss, Cindy Taylor, Ralph Storey, and Vicki Corke